The Chamber of Secrets: The Death of Judicial Review of State Secrets

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Ann Murphy, Professor, Gonzaga University School of Law

The United States Supreme Court recently decided a case involving a man nearly tortured to death at the hands of the United States government. For years, the executive branch made pronouncements that it must keep information from litigants due to state secrets. The Court has always scrutinized these pronouncements. Until now. In the Zubaydah case, the Court dismissed a torture survivor’s quest for justice. But it did not stop there. The opinion followed years of cases dismissed based on the state secrets privilege and effectively announced that the courts will not review claims made by the executive in certain situations. Despite the compelling needs of the litigant, the Court instead walked in lockstep with the executive branch and dismissed the claim entirely. This action is akin to the invocation of the Crown Privilege as it existed in England from the 15th Century until 1968. This decision will undoubtedly cause executive branch overreach. Without the judicial check on the unilateral actions of the Central Intelligence Agency and other secretive departments within our government, abuse will continue. Americans require a transparent view of their government for effective democracy. The State Secrets Protection Act previously introduced in Congress is a critical fix to remedy the Court’s acquiescence to executive branch decision making.

No One Should Be Forced to Sleep Outside: Ending Discrimination Against People With Disabilities in Temporary Shelters

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Emma Alzner, J.D. Candidate 2024, Columbia Law School

Nationwide, the number of individuals that lack access to housing is increasing. At the same time, local governments have escalated efforts to criminalize the unsheltered. Given this context, access to temporary shelters has become a critical component of addressing issues surrounding houselessness. However, not all groups have equal access to temporary shelters. Disabled people face significant barriers to accessing shelter systems, frequently forcing them to sleep outdoors. This Note seeks to highlight the discrimination faced by people with disabilities in temporary shelters, explain why our current legal regime has failed to protect against the types of discriminatory behaviors shelters frequently engage in, and explore potential solutions to this problem. Specifically, this Note proposes utilizing the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing mandate to stop discrimination by shelters. Establishing access to temporary shelters is neither a solution to houselessness nor a solution to housing discrimination against disabled people in general. Still, ensuring that all individuals can reside in shelters if they so choose is a critical intermediary step, particularly in light of the increasingly inhumane consequences that individuals may face by remaining unsheltered, including criminalization, health risks, and in some places, forcible commitment.

Resolving What is a “Forced” Abortion and Sterilization Procedure Under Section 601(a) of the IIRIRA: Expanding Asylum Eligibility Beyond China’s One-Child Policy to Protect Marginalized Women

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Karla Colley, J.D. Candidate 2024, Columbia Law School

The United States Congress enacted Section 601(a) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) in 1996 to protect asylum seekers fleeing China’s One-Child Policy (OCP). Such Chinese asylum seekers have primarily utilized the statute to secure asylum grants on the grounds of being subjected to a forced sterilization or forced abortion. However, while the world is familiar with China’s now defunct OCP, researchers have shed light on a lesser-known practice—the global prevalence of involuntary sterilization by medical providers, both forced and coerced, targeting marginalized women. The published case law’s focus on involuntary sterilization within the context of the OCP raises questions of whether the statute provides equal protection to asylum seekers who were subjected to sterilization outside of China and without a similar government-stipulated policy. This Note explores three groups of marginalized women who are often targeted for involuntary sterilization, as well as the circumstances under which they are forcibly and coercively sterilized. It analyzes how the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and some circuit courts have defined what constitutes a “forced” sterilization or abortion within the context of the OCP. It also presents an analytical framework for why Section 601(a) extends to asylum seekers outside of China. Based on this framework, this Note further argues that attorneys and physicians should widely screen their female asylum clients for involuntary sterilization as a means of potentially securing an additional path, with a lower evidentiary burden, towards an asylum grant.

Protecting the Right to Boycott Israel: A Foreign Affairs Preemption Approach to Striking Down State Anti-BDS Laws

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Ariel Sheffey, J.D. Candidate 2024, Columbia Law School

Legal challenges against the constitutionality of state anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) laws are slowly making their way through United States circuit courts, and, so far, these challenges have rested largely on First Amendment grounds. This Note explores the viability of an alternative approach: challenging the constitutionality of state anti-BDS laws under the doctrine of foreign affairs preemption. Ultimately, this Note concludes that state anti-BDS laws pose a sufficient intrusion into foreign affairs so as to be rendered unconstitutional by the doctrine of foreign affairs preemption. Nonetheless, before pursuing this approach in court, litigators and advocates should consider how the precedent might implicate the goals of human rights activists in the long run, particularly regarding the abilities of state governments themselves to mobilize against foreign countries committing human rights violations.

Process [Ill]Defined: Immigration Judge Reviews of Negative Fear Determinations

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Jocelyn Cazares Willingham, Assistant Professor of Law, University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law.

In 2023, the Biden Administration announced its plan to enhance the use of summary removals, which are administered and completed by low-level immigration officers without further process unless there is an articulated fear of return by the noncitizen. This fear articulation triggers a fear interview with an asylum officer who determines whether the noncitizen has a credible or reasonable fear of return—a process that the Biden Administration further shortened while effectively imposing a higher fear standard through a recent finalized rule. A negative fear determination results in immediate removal unless the noncitizen requests review by an immigration judge. In 2019, only 15,476 migrants subject to the fear screening process requested review of their negative fear determinations. In most of these reviews, 74.3 percent, the immigration judge affirmed the asylum officer’s negative fear determination, resulting in the humanitarian relief seeker’s deportation as the decision in these reviews is not subject to appeal or further review. This Article seeks to highlight how the lack of clear process in an immigration judge’s review of an asylum officer’s negative fear determination under 8 C.F.R. § 208.30(g) and 8 C.F.R. § 1208.31(g) leads to an unchecked judicial discretion that can serve as a barrier to justice and humanitarian relief for those fleeing severe harms in their countries of origin or removal. This Article presents the first sustained examination and critique of the immigration judge review process that grounds decisions to expeditiously return migrants. After a review of the literature on this corner of our immigration system, I present some rare insights into this immigration judge review process based on descriptive data collected from an accompanying national survey of immigration advocates with direct experience in these proceedings. I then argue that that the fear screening process in its current form is in violation of the United States’ international and domestic obligations and should be dismantled. The lack of clearly defined procedures and meaningful standards, and the vast discretion afforded to immigration judges in these proceedings result in egregious failures of both process and substance. In the current process, expediency is championed over accuracy—belying the pretense of humanitarianism and charity that cloaks the entirety of our system of humanitarian protection. Lastly, I present some suggestions for reform to minimize the risk of erroneous fear determinations and ensure a fairer process for all migrants—not just those who win the adjudication lottery by being assigned to an immigration judge who approaches review of asylum an officer’s negative fear determination as the migrant’s legitimate opportunity to be heard and questioned.

From Criminalizing China to Criminalizing the Chinese

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Leo Yu, Assistant Clinical Professor of Legal Writing, Research and Advocacy, Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law.

Many scholars have studied the racialization of Asian Americans and found that perpetual foreignness stands at the core of their ascriptive identity. This identity was formed in the 19th century and is also closely related to the dominant society’s racial understanding of ‘the Chinese’—which refers, for the purposes of this Article, to people of actual or perceived Chinese descent in the United States. This Article investigates this racialization process, with a contemporary lens: What does perpetual foreignness mean to the Chinese in the 21st century? This Article argues that, for the Chinese, their foreignness in today’s United States means more than just otherness, inferiority, and inassimilability; instead, the Chinese foreignness has acquired an additional specific meaning: the unquestionable linkage to China, the United States’ most significant geopolitical challenger. This Article uses the U.S. Department of Justice’s failed China Initiative to investigate this new ascriptive identity of the Chinese and argues that the geopolitical tension between China and the United States plays a vital role in this change. As the United States’ most significant challenger in geopolitics, China has taken a central role in the racial understanding of the Chinese in the 21st century. To many non-Chinese Americans, the Chinese are more than just foreigners who are culturally associated with a far away, inferior oriental country as they were perceived in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, they are a suspect race who possess an unbreakable linkage to China, the dangerous perpetrator in geopolitics. In short, today, the Chinese are not just foreign; they are foreign perpetrators. This new ascriptive identity of the Chinese resonates with the differential racialization tenet of the Critical Race Theory that the dominant society racializes different minority groups at different times in response to shifting needs and interests. How the United States views China has a direct impact on how Americans views the Chinese. Since China will likely remain the United States’ geopolitical challenger, this Article predicts that the foreign perpetrator identity will be attached to the Chinese community in the foreseeable future.

Abortion and the Mails: Challenging the Applicability of the Comstock Act Laws Post-Dobbs

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Ebba Brunnstrom, J.D. Candidate 2024, Columbia Law School

 18 U.S.C. §§ 1461 and 1462, originating in the Comstock Act of 1873, prohibit the mailing and importation of any abortion-related material within the United States. Whatever protection there was against the application of these laws by the government and private individuals from the constitutional right to an abortion was overturned by Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in 2022. Recent trends from the last year show that conservative lawmakers are now eager to start enforcing the Comstock Act mailing prohibitions; some are relying on the existence of these century-old laws to justify new abortion restrictions. Pushback from the Biden Administration’s Office of Legal Counsel suggests that a limiting construction should be read into the Comstock Act statues so that the prohibition on mailing would apply only to “illegal abortions.” This Note engages with the enforcement history of the statutes and criticism of OLC’s interpretation to ultimately conclude that the Comstock Act Laws are unenforceable because they are unconstitutionally vague. In doing so, this Note advances a conception of the void for vagueness doctrine that would place greater emphasis on enforcement and fair notice considerations. 

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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Moral Accommodations: Tolerating Impairment-Related Misconduct under the Americans with Disabilities Act

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Adi Goldiner, Postdoctoral fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University.

People with disabilities sometimes have impairments that manifest in unacceptable and disruptive behavior, such as inappropriate language, angry outbursts, and conflict-generating harassment. Such behavior, which I call “impairment-related misconduct,” often leads to exclusion from work or public places. Notwithstanding the Americans with Disabilities Act’s goal of promoting the full and equal social participation of disabled people, legal challenges to those exclusionary responses have generally failed.

Using cases involving employees with Borderline personality disorder, this article criticizes this outcome as grounded in a conceptual conflation of duty and sympathy, which in turn arises from a tragic view of disability. It also offers an original approach to resolving these cases. Specifically, this article develops a novel category of reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. I call them “moral accommodations.” These are duties to tolerate, to various degrees, unacceptable behavior related to an impairment. They involve, for instance, giving people second chances, reassigning them to different positions or service providers, or exempting them from certain rules of conduct. Establishing the theoretical foundations for this new category, I argue that, like other reasonable accommodations moral accommodations are plausibly grounded in various conceptions of justice, most notably egalitarianism and the “capabilities approach.” I also address potential objections, both pragmatic and philosophical. For example, although misconduct causes harm to others, I argue that moral accommodations are nevertheless justifiable. By expanding the duties owed to persons with disabilities, moral accommodations develop our conception of a just society as one in which inappropriate behavior is sometimes tolerated.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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More H.R.L.R.

The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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Two Classes of Tribes: Unifying the State and Federal Recognition Systems

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Ama Lee, J.D. 2021, Harvard Law School; MAACT 2018; BSM 2018, Tulane University.

This paper seeks to analyze the historical and political outcomes of the federal recognition process within the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and suggests that the BIA should eliminate the continuous existence requirement from that process. This paper also suggests that the BIA should consider ratifying state tribal recognition through an alternative criterion rather than the federal acknowledgment process. Without taking action, the current structure of recognition fails the United States’ duties to its Indigenous population and underscores its role in extinguishing the continuous existence of many Indian tribes.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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The International Obligation to Counter Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan

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Karima Bennoune is the Lewis M. Simes Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School. From 2015–2021, she served as United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights. She conducted fact-finding missions in different regions of Afghanistan for Amnesty International in 1996 and 2005, and in her personal capacity in 2011.

Since they returned to power in August 2021, the Taliban are again imposing a regime of gender apartheid in Afghanistan in violation of international law, just as they did in the 1990s.  Given that it is pervasively discriminatory, gender apartheid poses specific human rights problems requiring particular, heightened responses. A system of governance based on subordination of women institutionalizes sex discrimination across state political, legal, and cultural infrastructures. It necessitates different counter-strategies.

This Article suggests conceptual architecture for analyzing and responding to this aspect of the current Afghan crisis.  Specifically, the robust international legal framework that helped end racial apartheid should be urgently adapted to address gender apartheid and concert the responses of other states to it. 

There are three principal arguments in favor of this approach. 1) It is essential for fulfilling states’ international legal commitments on sex discrimination across every document in the International Bill of Human Rights, as well as the specific target they affirmed in the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve gender equality by 2030. 2) Any other stance leads to an unacceptable imbalance in the manner in which international law addresses discrimination on the bases of sex and race. 3) This may be the only way to effectively tackle systematic Taliban abuses, as the organization is deeply committed to its violations of women’s rights and already sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council. Such an approach marshals the resources of the international community to constrain the Taliban, and is the best hope for ensuring the credibility, legitimacy and effectiveness of the international legal response.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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Confronting State Violence: Lessons from India’s Farmer Protests

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Smita Narula, Haub Distinguished Professor of International Law, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

In December 2021, following a year of sustained mass protests, farmers in India forced the repeal of three controversial Farm Laws that attempted to deregulate India’s agricultural sector in service of corporate interests. Farmers feared that the laws would dismantle price supports for key crops, jeopardize their livelihoods, and facilitate a corporate takeover of India’s agrarian economy. This Article situates India’s historic farmer protests in the context of the country’s longstanding agrarian crisis and the corporate capture of agriculture worldwide. I argue that the protests arose in response not only to the Farm Laws, but also to decades of state-sponsored ecological and economic violence that have relegated millions of Indian farmers to a state of precarity and desperation. I further argue that the protests hold key insights for social movements around the globe, and for the future of food in India and beyond.

The Article analyzes the farmers’ protests using a four-part paradigm to assess contemporary movements for social change: Roots, Resistance, Reform, and Reconstruction. In so doing, it makes several contributions to legal scholarship. First, it makes visible the lived realities of India’s rural masses who have been left behind amidst the country’s celebrated economic growth. Second, it reveals the many ways in which State violence manifests, and how that violence is mediated through agricultural policies. Third, it demonstrates the power of mass nonviolent resistance as a strategic tool to confront State violence. And fourth, it explores the tension between reform and revolution. I argue that the farmers’ reformist demands do not sufficiently address the ecological harms and caste-based inequities that underpin India’s agrarian crisis. But the movement’s building of broad-based alliances across caste and class has opened the door to more transformative change.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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There Is No Such Thing As A “Legal Name”

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Austin A. Baker is a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor at the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science (RuCCS) and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Rutgers University, New Brunswick.

J. Remy Green teaches at Boston University School of Law and Baruch College at the City University of New York. They are a founding partner at Cohen & Green P.L.L.C. They hold a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School.

The phrase “legal name” appears everywhere. And wherever it appears, it seems to come with an assumption that it picks out one, clear such name for each person. So, do “legal” names as the phrase is commonly understood really exist? As far as federal and most state law is concerned, it turns out the answer is a clear no.

This article seeks to highlight the legal, moral, and philosophical wrongness of the notion that people have one uniquely identifying legal name. To do that, we survey the status of names in various legal domains, highlighting that legal consensus tends to be that there is no one “correct legal name” for individuals (if anything, people often have many “legal” names). We argue this common notion that every person has a single, clearly defined “legal” name is a kind of collective delusion we all seem to share (emerging somewhere in the late twentieth century), but is not grounded in legal or social reality. To address this harmful delusion, we present a series of ready-to-cite conclusions about the current state of the law and introduce a normative framework for how institutions and individuals ought to choose between people’s various legal names. Engaging with legal theory, feminist philosophy, and philosophy of language, we discuss the social function of names and argue that names enable people to communicate important social information about themselves—which can include their gender, religion, and familial relations. Thus, we conclude by arguing that individuals and legal institutions have a normative responsibility to respect peoples’ preferred legal names, thereby allowing them to authentically represent these facets of their social identities.

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More H.R.L.R.

The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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The Time Trap: Addressing the Stereotypes that Undermine Tribal Sovereignty

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Adam Crepelle, Assistant Professor, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University; Director, Tribal Law & Economics Program, at the Law & Economics Center; Associate Professor and Managing Fellow, Native American Law and Policy Institute, Southern University Law Center; Campbell Fellow, The Hoover Institution at Stanford University; Associate Justice, Pascua Yaqui Tribe.

History is deeply embedded in federal Indian law. According to jurisprudence, Indians were nonagricultural “savages” prior to 1492. Indians’ supposed lack of sophistication played a vital role in foundational cases determining Indian rights and the extent of tribal sovereignty. The process of stare decisis has resulted in repetition of the principles formulated on the belief in Indian simplicity; consequently, historic ideas of Indians continue to impact present-day Indian rights—often for the worse. This is the time trap.

The time trap is the popular belief that Indian cultures were simple, non-commercial, hunter-gatherers prior to European arrival. Encapsulated within this belief is the idea that indigenous cultures are static and erode as they merge with mainstream society. However, this perception is incorrect: the indigenous peoples of North America had complex societies prior to 1492, including agriculture and expansive trade networks. Indian tribes organically incorporated previously unknown items from Europe, such as the horse and gun, into their cultures. This Article asserts that reexamining how society and the law view Indian history is the key to unlocking the time trap.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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Hard Drive Heritage: Digital Cultural Property in the Law of Armed Conflict

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Richard Ong, JD Candidate 2022, Columbia Law School; B.A. 2019, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

This Note considers the question of how to protect cultural property in an era of rising cyberwarfare. The Note argues that the law of armed conflict (LOAC)—also referred to as international humanitarian law (IHL)— should apply to protect the three categories of cultural property which cyberwarfare could affect: real-word cultural property, digitized cultural property (cultural property which has been converted into digital form), and digital cultural property (cultural property which has always existed in digital form). Lastly, this Note argues for a novel interpretation of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection for Cultural Property that would encompass digital and digitized cultural property.

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The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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More H.R.L.R.

The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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More H.R.L.R.

The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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Dead Right: A Cautionary Capital Punishment Tale

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Joseph Margulies, Professor of the Practice of Law and Government, Cornell University;

John Blume, Samuel F. Leibowitz Professor of Trial Techniques and Director, Cornell Death Penalty Project, Cornell Law School;

Sheri Johnson, James and Mark Flanagan Professor of Law, Cornell Law School.

At least 228 people executed in the modern era—or more than one in every seven—were right too soon. That is, they had claims in their case that today would render their execution unconstitutional, but were killed because of a legal regime that arrived too late. Roughly 30% of our total include the children and persons with intellectual disability who were executed prior to Roper v. Simmons and Atkins v. Virginia, respectively. But the great majority of the people identified in our study raised claims based on doctrine that had already been clearly established by the Supreme Court. If the lower courts had applied Supreme Court caselaw correctly, these people would have gotten relief. Yet the lower courts resisted the doctrine and for years the Supreme Court did nothing to correct them. This resistance was particularly egregious in Texas and Florida. In Texas, at least 108 people were executed after the Supreme Court had already established the relevant basis for relief, and in Florida, the total is at least 36. At least when it comes to the death penalty, the lower courts seem especially unwilling to follow Supreme Court doctrine that would save a person from execution. The result is a system that routinely kills people even when they are right.

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More H.R.L.R.

The Persistent Public Health Emergency

Yael Zakai Cannon

“On the Books” in Theory, “Unavailable” in Practice: The Impact of the Prison Litigation Reform Act’s Exhaustion Requirement on Transgender People in Custody

Jake Millman

Removed from the Reservation: Examining Due Process Implications of Tribal Jail Transfers Following McGirt

Peyton Lepp
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